All Special Education Case Managers need to be knowledgeable about how to assess, develop goals, provide services and reclassify any students on their
caseloads who are English Learners (ELs). They need to know how to identify how the student will be assessed in annual Summative EL assessment, and any needed designated supports or accommodations. For any Annual Goals related to language, they need to ensure that the goals are linguistically apprpriate, which means that they are at the appropriate language level according to the student's ELPAC levels. When it is time to reclassify the student as no longer being an English Learner, they need to understand that process as well.
Here are some tools that will help you:
Guidelines for Evaluation of English Language Learners For Special Education Eligibility (2019)
Guidelines for Reclassification of English Learners with Disabilities (2018)
Meeting the Needs of English Learners with Disabilities (Santa Barbara SELPA 2017)
Preschool Language Acquisition Tool (PLAT) 2019 (formerly Preschool English Language Survey (PELS))
Preschool ELD Goals Bank
Ventura County Comprehensive Alternate Language Proficiency Survey for Students with Moderate-Severe Disabilities (VCCALPS) (2024)
California Dept. of Education/Testing and Accountability/ELPAC website
ELPAC Accommodations Charts: